Working with Trauma Survivors

led by Janina Fisher

Language: 🇬🇧 English

🪙 9.5 CPD/CE credits included in the price, no extra fees! 🪙

Whether you practice in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, or any other country, our credits are valid for all the organizations. (Read more). Please note that the CPD/CE Quiz will be available 5-6 weeks after the live event has ended and it’s immediately available for the On-Demand courses

US$ 200

In this course you will learn about overcoming alienation from the Self, caused by abusive/dysfunctional parenting. Help your clients to develop self-compassion and acceptance, leading to improved self-worth and better relationships. Combine concepts from the structural dissociation theory, sensorimotor psychotherapy, and internal family systems to cultivate secure internal attachments in your clients.

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How do I access the On-Demand Course?

After purchasing this product, you will be able to access your Dashboard and watch this course on-demand as many times as you wish, with no time limit.
Learning Outcomes
  • Describe the relationship between early attachment or trauma and alienation from Self
  • Recognize signs of disowned parts and their internal conflicts in clients
  • Identify parts that sabotage self-compassion or self-acceptance
  • Describe interventions that create an increased somatic sense of connection or attachment to the body or the parts
  • Capitalize on interpersonal neurobiology to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions
  • Foster ‘earned secure attachment’ as the outcome of attachment bonding between adult and child Selves
Course Breakdown:

Part 1:

The first part of the course is made up of four short videos. You will learn that alienation from the Self is a survival strategy taken on by children who are exposed to abusive or dysfunctional parenting. It allows a child to maintain their attachment to their caregiver by branding themself as “bad” or “unlovable” so they can continue to see their caregiver as “good”. This deeply painful failure of self-acceptance results in shame, self-loathing, difficulty in self-soothing and complicated relationships with others which can be lifelong. To overcome this, therapy must focus on cultivating the client’s ability to use mindful observation. In this workshop you will look at using structural dissociation theory, sensorimotor psychotherapy, and internal family systems to explore the therapeutic power of fostering internal secure attachments to clients most deeply disowned selves. You will watch clinical examples to put your learnings into context.

Part 2:

In this part of the course, which is again made up of 4 short videos, you will delve deeper into the role of the therapist in guiding your clients to repair internal attachments. You will be introduced to the concept of blending (Schwartz 2001) and how to help your clients to ‘un-blend’ certain parts of themselves. You will learn a number of different therapeutic techniques and watch clinical examples of them in practice.

Janina Fisher

Janina Fisher, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and a former instructor, Harvard Medical School.  An international expert on the treatment of trauma, she is an Executive Board member of the Trauma Research Foundation and a Patron of the John Bowlby Centre.  Dr. Fisher is the author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation (2017), Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: a Workbook for Survivors and Therapists (2021), and The Living Legacy Instructional Flip Chart (2022).  She is best known for her work on integrating mindfulness-based and somatic interventions into trauma treatment.  Her treatment model, Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST), is now being taught around the world.  More information can be found on her website:

US$ 200

Please note that all on-demand courses will be available for online viewing as often as you like from our portal. Downloading of files is not permitted for copyright reasons…

Working with Trauma Survivors

Develop your skills as a therapist by furthering your understanding of the sense of Self in trauma survivors. Discover new techniques such as how to ‘un-blend’ and how to problem solve using duck therapy to advance your practice.


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