Managing World and Individual Crises – A Trauma Treatment Series

led by Janina Fisher, Bonnie Goldstein, Ellert R.S. Nijenhuis, David S. Elliott, Anandi Janner Steffan, Diana Fosha, Ed Tronick, Ruth Lanius, Deb Dana, Vittorio Gallese

Language: 🇬🇧 English

In this comprehensive series comprised of the most current research and speakers on trauma, traverse its’ various aspects and effective therapy techniques for PTSD. Investigate key areas such as Attachment dynamics; AEDP; restoring the power of action; the Polyvagal theory; Lifespan Integration; and undoing aloneness to gain a unique perspective. You will attain practical strategies, ranging from skills in facilitating clients’ transformative experiences to how you can reduce your own burnout risk.

🪙 14 CPD/CE credits included in the price, no extra fees! 🪙

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US$ 350

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Learning Outcomes

Part 1

  • Identify the effects of trauma and attachment dynamics in young clients, focusing on the impact on the other members of their family.
  • Use psycho-education with caregivers, explaining how trauma affects the child’s body and nervous system.
  • Apply a driven approach from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy to work with children and adolescents, taking advantage of the body’s wisdom to get in the deep, moving on the words, thus accessing the somatic narrative.
  • Identify non-verbal signals of the somatic narrative in young clients, analysing movement patterns, gestures, posture, prosody and other non-verbal aspects.
  • Apply Sensorimotor Psychotherapy techniques to work with young clients, thus strengthening self-regulating, relational, and resilience abilities, encouraging the acquisition of new competencies.
  • Use therapeutic tools to foster the mindful consciousness of children and adolescents. “One of the deepest human desires is to be seen”.

Part 2

  • Learn and understand the Attachment Behavioural system and its application in trauma treatment.
  • Learn how to counsel your client from insecure to secure attachment.
  • Become a good attachment figure and recognise the importance of fulfilling this role as a therapist.
  • Explore and understand Three Pillar therapy and the Ideal Parent Figure Method.

Part 3

  • Understand the evolutionary basis of ‘acting’ and the ‘power of action’.
  • Learn and identify the external factors that impact the ‘power of action’.
  • Understand passions and how they substitute actions.
  • Grasp the role of passions in trauma.
  • Identify the three roles in the ‘trinity of trauma’.
  • Learn Enactive Trauma Therapy to know how to guide your client to act from reason rather than passion.

Part 4

  • Explore regulation and its dysfunction in PTSD and stress-related disorders.
  • Learn the Polyvagal approach to PTSD.
  • Understand and apply Lifespan Integration® to ultimately take it into clinical practice for treatment of PTSD.

Part 5

  • Understand the role isolation plays in disorganised attachment.
  • Know and apply experiential processing, relational processing and metatherapeutic processing in the clinical setting.
  • Learn dyadic engagement and how to guide your client in using this tool.
  • As the therapist, attuning to self-needs; anticipating and detecting dysregulation; staying with the good; meaning-making; identifying and responding to burnout.

Part 6

  • Learn how to break down the impersonality of virtual psychotherapy.
  • Overcome the challenges of working remotely.
  • Understand the sense of abandonment experienced by clients in online work.
  • Identify and work with object constancy to overcome the clients’ inability to feel emotionally connected in a virtual space.
  • Make online therapy feel more personal and connected.
  • Gain resources to help clients tolerate isolation and loneliness.
  • Articulate 3 ways of decreasing technophobia.

Part 7

  • Understand the way meanings are made in multiple psychobiological or neurosomatic systems that operate without awareness.
  • Learn the mechanism of actions of different modalities within the multiple systems required for effective therapy.
  • Recognise how the messy – matching-mismatching-reparation – process of interactions, including the therapeutic interaction, is the mechanism of change and growth.
  • Consider a view of “trauma” emerging because of chronic ongoing failures of reparation rather than traumatic events.
  • Understand that successful therapeutic work involves loss and reparation to change the meaning individuals make of themselves in the world of people and things.

Part 8

  • Describe clinical case examples to help therapists manage – using an integrative approach – symptomatic behaviours such as flashbacks, hearing dissociated voices, self-mutilation and inability to tolerate positive emotions.
  • Look at how therapeutic techniques can reduce the therapist’s burnout risk.

Part 9

  • Understand the relationship between trauma, emotional regulation and emotional recognition.
  • Learn Gallese’s model of imagination: “embodied simulation”.
  • Understand the polyvagal theory, the hierarchy of responses and the window of tolerance through a neurobiological lens.

Part 10

  • Apply three organising principles of Polyvagal Theory in clinical work.
  • Utilise autonomic mapping in clinical sessions.
  • Utilise the Social Engagement System as a co-regulating resource during clinical sessions.
Course Breakdown:

Part 1: Working with our Younger Clients and Their Families: A Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Approach to Child, Adolescent and Family Treatment by Dr. Bonnie Goldstein

You will begin by revisiting the development of identity, sense of self, affect regulation, verbal and non-verbal communication as well as the ability to form and sustain relationships with younger clients and their families. Using a mind-body-brain lens informed by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and psychodynamic psychotherapy, a wide range of treatment modalities are explored through clinical vignettes, case studies and brief experiential exercises.

Goldstein will illuminate ways to cope and thrive following worldwide traumatic events, with particular attention paid to offering treatment through remote or long-distance learning. She will elucidate the significance of the “somatic narrative” in treating children, adolescents-transitioning-to-adults, and family therapy, exploring therapeutic challenges and transformative moments. The ongoing process of body-based, implicit and nonverbal behaviour, and the complex interplay between psychological experience, procedural learning, and sensory processing, are illuminated by exploring movement patterns, gestures, stances, postures, prosody, and other non-verbal cues. You will learn new ways to enhance self-regulation and relationship skills, foster resilience, and create new competencies conducted in an atmosphere of curiosity, play and discovery.

Part 2: Building Inner Security When Threat is All Around by David Elliott

We evolved, individually and collectively, in the context of threats to our well-being. Risks of harm from hunger, cold, the lack of shelter, and injury and disease are deeply encoded within us, and our nervous systems have become primed to expect and react to these and other threats. One of our automatic threat response and protection mechanisms is the attachment system. Secure attachment includes the inner sense that when threats arise, there will be sufficient inner and outer resources for good enough handling and resolution of the safety challenges they create. Reflecting on the Pandemic, even for people who have been fortunate enough to develop attachment security, that security is challenged by the nature of the threat. We benefit from social engagement, primarily through physical contact, touch, and soothing. For many of us, the opportunities for this benefit became much more limited or completely absent. The challenges were even more significant for people with insecure attachments and those who have experienced trauma.

Fortunately, we have resources within us that can be of great help for strengthening our security and for helping us if we enter this period of threat with attachment insecurity.

In this video Dr. Elliott will describe and explore our capacities to use imagination to create solid and profound experiences of connection and security with physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual aspects. You will learn specific practices that can be of help, both professionally and personally.

Part 3: From Passion to Action in Times of Corona and Other Major Survival Threats by Ellert Nijenhuis

Ellert Nijenhuis takes you on a journey to explore how individuals, institutions, and nations react when confronted with a significant threat. Such a threat calls for efficient action but may release inadequate responses (passions) involving patterns of ignorance, fragility, and (emotional) control. This ‘trinity of trauma’ becomes dominant the more the causal power of the threat exceeds the power of action of those whose mental and physical existence is under threat. Trauma is a profound loss of power to act. It manifests as a trinity of ignorance, fragility and emotional control within and between individuals, institutions, and nations. You will explore the ‘trinity of trauma’ to grasp a deep understanding of how they play out in a clinical setting, and how to manage them to effectively treat your client.

An overview on the ‘trinity of trauma’: Ignorance involves ignoring perils and their consequences. This passion includes conducts such as looking the other way, underestimating hazards or belittling risks, and remaining naive. Fragility is being and feeling confused, overwhelmed, powerless, and hurt. It shows, among others, fear, panic, excessive worry, and ineffective or inefficient attempts at defence. A third passion pertains to emotional control, to power displays such as blaming others (persons, nations) or things (such as 5G masts), engaging in misleading authority statements (“stay calm, we are in charge”), minding one’s personal or national interests at the expense of meeting general interests, inventing a conspiracy theory, abusing the occasion to gain political power, going to war.

Healing is a progression from passion to action, particularly a growth in the ability to act from reason. Acting from reason involves a higher-order longing and creative striving to integrate various other needs and desires. You will come away armed with the tools needed to guide your client in the skill of acting from reason.

Part 4: Recovering from post-COVID PTSD with Lifespan Integration® Therapy by Peggy Pace and Annandi Janner Steffan

Peggy Pace, founder of Lifespan Integration® (LI) will present LI in an overview, followed by the presentation by Dr A. Janner Steffan, the LI trainer.

You will learn the treatment of COVID-induced PTSD, which remains highly applicable to present day world crises. First, you will review the main characteristics of PTSD and the factors contributing to its genesis, which in the case of the virus pandemic and the measures taken to contain it, were manifold, unpredictable and life-threatening. You will then look at the neurobiology of trauma and how LI therapy works to restore the embodied experience of time flow. Consideration of re-traumatising the client is highlighted, you will learn the LI approach of minimal exposure to trauma. Ultimately you will gain the tools of LI to administer it and observe the appeasement of your clients’ trauma symptoms within a few sessions. This procedure is highly adjustable and can be used for couples and families, as well as individuals, and on yourself (working with a trusted colleague).

Part 5: Undoing Aloneness in the Time of Corona — What AEDP Has to Offer the Worldwide Community by Diana Fosha

COVID-19 created a paradoxical situation in which social isolation was critical to prevent the spread of the virus, but to counteract the fear, attachment theory tells us that it is within our human nature to seek proximity and connection. We can still feel and observe the effects of this in the current day. Diana Fosha will present to you the power of undoing aloneness and you will explore the explicit and experiential processing of profound relational traumatic and reparative experiences.

AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) will be broken down into its five essential aspects: undoing aloneness, healing from the get-go, experiential processing of emotional experience, experiential processing of relational experience and experiential processing of transformational experience. Specifics areas you will examine are finding an entry point for accessing the pain; specific relational/experiential interventions for undoing aloneness; the power of judicious self-disclosure; moving through the pain and getting to the other side; the art and science of dyadic affect regulation and paying close attention to vitality within suffering and thus the potential for transformative pathways. You will explore the deep issues that come up with traumatic world events in relation to the traumas at the core of individuals’ suffering, learning how to work with these in transformants-informed ways that bring vitality and energy to both patient and therapist, as well as to the therapeutic process itself in a way that reinforces how we are all in this together. You will establish these practices whilst gaining specific interventions and helpful approaches to navigate the challenges that remain in clinical practice following the pandemic.

Part 6: Making Virtual Psychotherapy a Relational Experience by Janina Fisher

In this highly applicable workshop, Janina Fisher shares with you how to effectively help clients deal with the practical and emotional challenges caused by worldwide crises, such as the 2020 pandemic. Virtual psychotherapy can be stressful for the therapist and client. Often, both are overwhelmed by the technical challenges of working online, dysregulated by the stress they face at home and feeling the need for more relationships, not less. Virtual sessions can feel distant and impersonal without the connection that clients and therapists value as the heart and soul of psychotherapy. Adding to the stress, many of our clients have histories of abuse, failed attachment, neglect, and failed trust, increasing their sensitivity to distance and abandonment. Therapists, wanting to support them, can feel helpless and ineffective or even guilty. This webinar addresses how to overcome the limitations of telehealth technology to make remote psychotherapy a warm and relational experience. The inability to feel emotionally connected in a virtual space is rooted in the failure of object constancy in early attachment relationships, not caused by online teletherapy. Object constancy allows us to internalise those closest to us and trust that they care even at a distance or when there is a change in an emotional state. Instead of focusing on the loss and disappointment, we can use this difficult situation to help our clients develop greater object constancy.

Part 7: Multilevel Meaning Making, Relational Regulation and Stress by Ed Tronick

The Still-Face paradigm instantiates the fundamental for humans about themselves concerning the world of people, the inanimate world and their self-significance of making meaning. The findings on the Still-Face show that making meaning is a dynamic process made at multiple brain and systems – psychobiological or neurosomatic – levels. While meanings can be made and are made endogenously, they are more typically co-created with one another in an active exchange of information. That exchange is messy.

It is characterised by mismatches and matches of meanings and their repair. Successful meaning-making results in an expansion of consciousness and generates attachment and relationships, resilience and trust. Failure to make meaning shrinks, constricts consciousness, and creates distrust and fragility. Delve into the research on humans from Ed Tronick’s laboratory on genetics, physiology, emotions, epigenetics and caretaker-child and adult interactions to learn and understand how this information can be applied to your clinical practice. Examine examples from his new book “The Power of Discord: Why Relationships’ everyday ups and Downs are the Secret to building intimacy, resilience and Trust” to gain further perspective. You will also watch videotapes of the Still-Face in infants, children, and adults.

Part 8: Overcoming Challenging Moments in Trauma Treatment: Toward the Restoration of the Self by Ruth Lanius

Ruth discusses treatment challenges frequently encountered in trauma treatment from a clinical and neurobiological perspective. Throughout the webinar, she will outline practical strategies for dealing with these difficulties using clinical case examples. You will learn integrative therapeutic interventions to restore the self through resolving key symptoms, including reliving flashbacks, dissociative voice-hearing, self-mutilation, and intolerance of positive emotions through demonstrated clinical examples. The capacity to deal more effectively with these difficult-to-manage symptoms will help you to feel more competent as well as reduce burnout.

Part 9: The impact of trauma in youth on emotion recognition and regulation: The work done in Sierra Leone by Vittorio Gallese

In this all-encompassing webinar, you will explore Vittorio Gallese’s research focusing on the relationship between trauma, emotional regulation and emotional recognition. He demonstrates his findings from Sierra Leone on trauma and neglect in adverse environmental conditions during childhood and adolescence. Using an integration of psychological and anthropological approaches with neurophysiology, Vittorio explores how to work with teenagers who suffered terrible traumas such as torture, abuse and witnessing their parents be killed. He will talk you through how the passion for play is converted into a mechanism for violence and how this can be resolved as an example of the wider implications of using an integrated approach.

Part 10: Creating a Story of Safety: A Polyvagal Guide to Connection by Deb Dana

This Polyvagal Theory guided approach to therapy will offer you strategies to help clients identify and interrupt their familiar patterns of protection and skills to find and savour experiences of safety. When we speak the language of the nervous system, we can help clients safely tune into their autonomic states, reshape their nervous systems, and rewrite the trauma stories carried in their autonomic pathways.

The autonomic nervous system is at the heart of daily living, powerfully shaping safety experiences and influencing the capacity for connection. Polyvagal Theory provides a guide to the autonomic circuits that underlie behaviours and beliefs and an understanding of the body-to-brain pathways that give birth to our personal stories of safety and survival. For many of our clients, states of fight, flight, and collapse are frequent, intense, and prolonged, while safety and connection are elusive. With an updated map of the autonomic nervous system, Deb Dana illustrates the new understanding of the characteristic post-traumatic patterns of hyperarousal, hypervigilance, disconnection, and numbing. She demonstrates how you can reliably lead clients out of adaptive survival responses into the autonomically regulated state of safety necessary for successful treatment.

Bonnie Goldstein

Dr. Bonnie Goldstein’s work integrates traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy with progressive psychotherapeutic interventions such as Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, hypnosis, mindfulness exercises and EMDR. She holds dual licenses in the state of California in Psychology and Social Work, completed her B.A. MSW, and Ph.D. at UCLA, her Ed.M. at Harvard University, and teaches graduate students at USC’s School of Social Work. She is certified in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and is the Southern California coordinator of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute’s Trauma, Developmental/Attachment, and Certification trainings. Dr. Goldstein has developed outreach programs for UCLA extension and written a book for children and their families, I’ll Know What to Do: A Kid’s Guide to Natural Disasters, published by the APA (1997) and distributed as a guide in the aftermath of traumatic experiences.

David S. Elliott

David S. Elliott, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist who received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1989. He is co-author of the book “Attachment Disturbances in Adults: Treatment for Comprehensive Repair” (Norton, 2016), which was given the Pierre Janet Writing Award from the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. He is Faculty and Chair of the Advisory Board at the International School for Psychotherapy, Counseling, and Group Leadership (St. Petersburg, Russia), was President of the Rhode Island Psychological Association (USA), and has held leadership positions in several mental health advocacy organizations. His psychotherapy practice is based in the USA, and he consults and teaches internationally on psychotherapy, attachment, personality and self-development.

Ellert R.S. Nijenhuis

Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis is a psychologist, psychotherapist, and researcher. He has been engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of severely traumatized patients for over three decades and both teaches and writes extensively on the themes of trauma-related dissociation and dissociative disorders. Nijenhuis is a consultant at Clienia Littenheid, Switzerland. His publications include the books Somatoform Dissociation (1999), The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization (2006, together with Onno van der Hart and Kathy Steele), and the trilogy The Trinity of Trauma: Ignorance, Fragility, and Control (2015-2017). As a -now, retired-psychologist and psychotherapist, Ellert has diagnosed, treated and scientifically studied severely traumatised patients for over 40 years.

Anandi Janner Steffan

Anandi Janner Steffan is a therapist trained by the likes of Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing), Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges (Polyvagal Theory), Ellert Nijenhuis (Dissociative disorders and psychotrauma), Luise Reddemann (PITT) and Peggy Pace (Lifespan Integration™). In 2014 she developed a systemic model of LI which permits trauma resolution for families, couples and children. Today, she works again as an independent therapist, supervisor and trainer, dispensing the knowledge about the inner workings of traumatized systems.
From the very beginning, the knowledge and discoveries in the field of neurobiology were intertwined with the clinical findings in therapy. After a three-year systemic education as a counselor according to Virginia Satir in San Francisco, supplemented by additional training in holding and family constellations, she opened her practice in 1995.

Diana Fosha

Diana Fosha, Ph.D. is the developer of AEDP (Accelerated ExperientialDynamic Psychotherapy), healing-oriented, transformational experiential model of therapy, and Founder and Director of the AEDP Institute. For the last 20 years, Diana has been active in promoting a scientific basis for a healing-oriented, attachment-emotion- and transformation focused trauma treatment model. Fosha’s work focuses on integrating neuroplasticity, recognition science and developmental dyadic research into experiential and transformational clinical work with patients. Her most recent work focuses on flourishing as a seamless part of the process of transforming emotional suffering. She is the author of The transforming power of affect: A model for accelerated change (Basic Books, 2000), co-author and editor of many more works.

Janina Fisher

Janina Fisher, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and a former instructor, Harvard Medical School.  An international expert on the treatment of trauma, she is an Executive Board member of the Trauma Research Foundation and a Patron of the John Bowlby Centre.  Dr. Fisher is the author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation (2017), Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: a Workbook for Survivors and Therapists (2021), and The Living Legacy Instructional Flip Chart (2022).  She is best known for her work on integrating mindfulness-based and somatic interventions into trauma treatment.  Her treatment model, Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST), is now being taught around the world.  More information can be found on her website:

Ed Tronick

Ed Tronick, a developmental neuroscientist and clinical psychologist, is a world-class researcher and teacher recognized internationally for his work on the neurobehavioral and social-emotional development of infants and young children, parenting in the U.S. and other cultures, and infant-parent mental health. Dr. Tronick is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at University of Massachusetts, Boston; Director of the UMB Child Development Unit; Research Associate in Newborn Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a Lecturer in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. He is also on the faculty of Maternal and Child Health at the Harvard School of Public Health and Human Development at the Harvard School of Education, and a member of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. He developed the Still-face paradigm, a standard prototype for studying social-emotional development.

Ruth Lanius

Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry is the director of the PTSD research unit at the University of Western Ontario. She established the Traumatic Stress Service and the Traumatic Stress Service Workplace Program, services that specialised in the treatment and research of PTSD and related comorbid disorders. She currently holds the Harris-Woodman Chair in Mind-Body Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario. Her research interests focus on studying the neurobiology of PTSD and treatment outcome research examining various pharmacological and psychotherapeutic methods. She has authored more than 150 published papers and chapters in the field of traumatic stress. She regularly lectures on the topic of PTSD internationally. ‘Healing the traumatized self: consciousness, neuroscience, treatment’ with Paul Frewen was recently published.

Vittorio Gallese

Vittorio Gallese is a Professor of Physiology at the Dept. of Neuroscience of the University of Parma, Adjunct Senior Research Scholar at the Dept. of Art History and Archeology, Columbia University, New York, USA and Professor in Experimental Aesthetics at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of London, U.K. He is the coordinator of the Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience and Director of the Doctoral School of Medicine of the University of Parma. Among his main scientific contributions, is the discovery of mirror neurons, and the proposal of a new model of intersubjectivity: embodied simulation theory. He did research and taught at the Universities of Lausanne, Tokyo, Berkeley, and Berlin. He is the author of more than 230 scientific articles published in international journals and books.

Deb Dana

Deb Dana LCSW, is a clinician, consultant, author and speaker specializing in complex trauma and uses the lens of Polyvagal Theory (PVT) to understand and resolve cases of trauma. She has written many books which explain the theory. She is a certified trainer and has worked internationally with fellow clinicians and clients. Dana’s work delves into the intricacies of how we can all use an understanding of the organizing principles of PVT to change the ways we navigate our daily lives. Dana is well known for translating PVT into a language and application that is both clear and accessible – and for her significant contribution, pioneering Rhythm of Regulation® methodology, tools, techniques and practices which continue to open up the power of PVT for professionals and curious people from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life.

US$ 350

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Managing World and Individual Crises – A Trauma Treatment Series

Acquire insights and techniques for working with trauma-impacted clients of all ages. Experts in trauma treatment discuss approaches for PTSD, crisis management, polyvagal theory for safety, connection and more.


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