Gottman Method: Couples Therapy – Third Level (2024)

led by William Bumberry
4 days Training
🕐 Based on London timezone 🕐
12 December 2024 from 12:30 to 18:00
13 December 2024 from 12:30 to 18:00
14 December 2024 from 12:30 to 18:00
15 December 2024 from 12:30 to 18:00
🕐 London Timezone 🕐

Participating in the advanced and practical Third Level training in the Gottman method for Couples therapy is the best way to learn how to apply its interventions. This course is conducted by certified Gottman Therapist and Trainer William Bumberry. The use of clinical films of real couples, role-play practice, demonstrations of assessment techniques and therapeutic interventions, as well as in-depth discussions on the various technical aspects, enables you to significantly expand your knowledge of the Gottman Method and feel confident on how and when to use each strategy.


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Bonus Videos

Weekly, before the event, we will add additional suggested videos


In-depth articles

Preparatory articles on this topic, written by our scientific board


Suggested books

A collection of books that will help you learn more about the topic



You will find the slides before the event, for better preparation

How do I join online?
This event will take place via Zoom. After purchasing, you will receive an e-mail with the instructions for how to join.
After the event you will have access to registration for 28 days
Learning outcomes
  • Choose an intervention that is appropriate for your clients in the moment.
  • Recognise the four horsemen in the behaviour exhibited by the members of a couple.
  • Stop the couple’s dyadic interaction when one member exhibits one of the four horsemen. Describe the Four Horseman to the couple.
  • Explain the antidote to the relevant horseman clearly and accurately.
  • Coach the person with an alternative way to express themselves using an appropriate antidote.
  • Redirect the couple to resume communication in a dyadic way. Continue to monitor for the four horsemen and intervene if they reemerge.
  • Identify when one or both partners are physiologically flooded (and not just upset) and stop the interaction between the couple.
  • Provide a brief explanation of flooding in clear, sensitive language.
  • Intervene by guiding one or both partners through a relaxation technique before continuing.
  • Explain the Dreams Within Conflict process and goals clearly.
  • Instruct a couple on the Dreams Within Conflict intervention.
  • Assist one partner to ask the other partner questions about the dream or deeper meaning embedded in their specific gridlocked issue.
  • Provide The Dream Catcher Questions handout and coach one partner to ask the other questions from the handout to increase understanding of their partner’s underlying dreams or deeper meaning embedded in the specific gridlocked issue; help the couple hold to the questions to go deeper vs. getting into their own point of view.
  • Introduce the concept of softened start-ups and explain why it helps (i.e., it is easier for their partner to hear and understand their point).
  • Explain research showing that the first three minutes of a discussion predicts whether that discussion will go well and whether their overall relationship will go well.
  • Explain the importance of expressing needs in positive terms and instruct the partner to restate their point without criticism and then direct them to resume dyadic interaction.
  • Stop a couple’s interaction when one or both partners are not accepting influence.
  • Explain the need for accepting influence (which may include reference to research). This includes finding a way to understand and honor some aspect of their partner’s position, with a focus on yielding and accepting influence rather than on persuading.
  • Stop the couple and instruct in the concept of offering and accepting repairs and why it is useful.
  • Provide the Repair Checklist and explain its use.
  • Ask appropriate Gottman Oral History questions and stay on track with sensitivity to couple’s issues and building rapport.
  • Conduct the Oral History interview with appropriate timing.
Training Breakdown

In a small-group setting, you will have the opportunity to practice and refine your use of Gottman Method Therapy and receive personalized guidance in developing a roadmap for making sound clinical decisions.

The Level 3 Training content represents the true resistances and co-morbidities we face as therapists and how we can transform them into effective healing methods for the couple.

The workshop is structured to help create a safe and secure environment so participants can learn and practice while feeling free of criticism and negative judgment.


What is included in the price?

  1. Over 200 pages digital Level 3 Clinical Training Manual
  2. Certificate of Completion for Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 3 Training upon completion of the event
  3. Eligibility to continue on to the Certification Track
Who would benefit from this Training?

This training is for psychologists, social workers, Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs), professional counselors, addiction counselors, and other mental health professionals. Completion of Level 1 Training and Level 2 Training is required, as well as a master’s degree, doctoral degree, or current enrollment in a graduate program within a mental health-related field is required. Therapy experience is highly recommended, but not required.

Discover the program of this Training
12 December 2024 from 12:30 to 18:00

Using the knowledge acquired through the Level 1 and Level 2 trainings, you will learn how to use the Oral History Interview effectively and confidently during couple assessment. You will leave this part of the training with a strong grasp on its various implications.

13 December 2024 from 12:30 to 18:00

You will learn not only how to explain to your patients, in a clear and specific manner, what the strengths and difficulties of their relationship are in relation to the Solid Relationship House model, but also how to help them identify the ‘Four Horsemen’ in the relationship and understand which antidotes to use to defeat them.

14 December 2024 from 12:30 to 18:00

You will learn to select and use appropriate tools to make the couple’s Friendship System stronger. You will learn how to clarify and reformulate each couple’s conflicts in terms of solvable, perpetual and stalemate-causing problems, as well as how to use the “Dreams within a Conflict” technique to help the couple feel a new sense of hope and be able to get out of the conflicts in which they remain perpetually trapped.

15 December 2024 from 12:30 to 18:00

You will learn how to intervene effectively when one or both partners are in a state of flooding. You will also learn how to help the couple resort to new solutions using the Compromise Intervention and the Oval Method, as well as how to intervene – sensitively and empathetically – when comorbidities are present.

William Bumberry

William Bumberry, PhD, is a licensed clinical Psychologist with more than 25 years of experience working with couples. He has been with the Gottman Institute for more than a decade and is a Senior Certified Gottman Couples Therapist, Trainer and Consultant.
Dr. Bumberry is a member of the American Psychological Association and is an adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology at St. Louis University. Since becoming a certified trainer for the Gottman Institute, Dr. Bumberry has presented Gottman professional training throughout the U.S. and abroad. In addition, Dr. Bumberry is certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy. He has worked closely with Dr. Carl Whitaker. He is co-author of “Dancing with the Family: A Symbolic-Experiential Approach, A Different Kind of Caring” (videotape) and “Reshaping Family Relationships: The Symbolic Therapy of Carl Whitaker”.


Prices in USD, we accept all currencies without fees*
Gottman Method: Couples Therapy – Third Level (2024)

Join us online for an advanced and practical Third Level training session in the Gottman method for Couples therapy. This training will increase your confidence in the application of Gottman based interventions.


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