Integrating Neurofeedback to Calm the Fear-Driven Brain

led by Sebern F. Fisher

For those with histories of developmental trauma, the present global existential uncertainty can evoke states of terror, known to them first as young children. Trauma terror presents a threat to wholeness, integration, self-regulation and to a sense of self, even without additional threat. Acquire a deeper understanding of the mechanisms within the brain and learn effective therapeutic approaches in this comprehensive course in the critical role of neurofeedback.

🪙 9 CPD/CE credits included in the price, no extra fees! 🪙
Whether you practice in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, or any other country, our credits are valid for all the organizations. (Read more). Please note that the CPD/CE credits will be available 15 days after the event has ended.


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Learning Outcomes
  • Understand and discuss the differences between developmental trauma and PTSD.
  • Describe the impact of development trauma on structures and networks related to executive function; salience and threat detection; and the sense of self.
  • Know the role of the reptilian brain in initiating and perpetuating trauma reactions including dissociation, flashbacks and the background state of fear and reactivity.
  • Grasp neuroscience research documenting the impact of neglect and trauma on the developing brain.
  • Recognise the impact of developmental trauma on the Default Mode Network.
  • Understand the arousal model of neurofeedback.
  • Learn and apply neurofeedback approaches to quieting fear and reactivity.
  • Describe the role of the therapist as the “devoted other” in the integration of psychotherapy and neurofeedback.
  • Understand how neurofeedback can enhance affect regulation.
  • Describe how affect regulation can give rise to a sense of Self and Other.
Course Breakdown:

Part 1: Exploring the impact of developmental injuries on affect regulation

Developmental trauma survivors are highly over-represented in suicide rates in the globally. The first step in considering a new approach to treatment is to recognise the impact of abuse and neglect on the developing brain. Neuroscience research finds that neglect and abuse, physical, sexual, and/or emotional, impact every major structure and network of the developing brain.

You will explore this research and the implications on the area of affect regulation. Affect regulation is the primary goal of all therapies and close to impossible for survivors of developmental trauma. You will look at how fear circuits fire and kindle in the traumatised brain. Then you will focus on the impact on the Default Mode Network (DMN), the network in the human brain that makes a sense of Self and Other possible. You will grasp a basic but comprehensive understanding of how these traumatised brains function and malfunction, particularly in the domain of affect regulation.

Part 2: Applying the teachings of neurofeedback in the therapeutic process

Neurofeedback addresses the fear and reactivity, which runs the lives of those with developmental trauma, at its source. The absence of a reliable DMN means that there is no dependable sense of self, and of others. Clearly this has major implications for psychotherapy. When fear and reactivity are quieted, the DMN begins to come online.

Here you will learn how neurofeedback works and study the arousal/regulation model of neurofeedback. Abandonment, neglect and abuse, often at the hands of primary caretakers, hijack the arousal systems of these brains, leaving them at the mercy of overactivated fear circuitry. You will master how to deliver neurofeedback-informed therapy to help these brains regain their inherent capacity for self-regulation and organisation. For a Self to form there must be an Other.

Sebern F. Fisher

Sebern F. Fisher, M.A., author of ‘Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain’, is a psychotherapist and neurofeedback practitioner in private practice who specialises in the aftermath of neglect and abuse in early childhood. She focuses on training the traumatised brain to learn its own regulation which one can learn at any age. She trains professionals nationally and internationally on neurofeedback and on the need to integrate neurofeedback with psychotherapy. Her book, ‘Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain’, has helped her readers understand how the traumatised brain can give rise to explosive feelings, irrational thinking, and destructive behaviour. When the brain learns its own regulation, its’ owner can engage meaningfully in psychotherapy and in life.

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🪙 9 CPD/CE credits included in the price, no extra fees! 🪙
Whether you practice in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, or any other country, our credits are valid for all the organizations. (Read more).


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Please note that all on-demand courses will be available for online viewing as often as you like from our portal. Downloading of files is not permitted for copyright reasons…

Integrating Neurofeedback to Calm the Fear-Driven Brain

Delve into the repercussions of neglect and abuse on the brain to understand the role of neurofeedback in trauma-treatment. Advance your treatment approach for developmental trauma and fulfill the role of the ‘Other’ so that your client can form their sense of ‘Self’.


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