Discover our mission

Psychotherapy Courses was founded in 2021 by Dr. Alessandro Carmelita, a pioneer of the innovative therapy method, Mindful Interbeing Mirror Therapy (MIMT). Having worked in the field of psychology and with clients for over 25 years, Dr. Carmelita recognised the importance of enriching and sharing knowledge. Determined to create a platform where mental health professionals can come together, expand in their practice and access the best resources, was born.

Our speakers are chosen by a board of international and expert advisors so that we can consistently provide a variety of events and video courses on topics at the very forefront of the neuroscientific and psychological research fields. We want therapists, counsellors and mental health professionals alike to remain inspired by their industry, equipped to handle the challenges of working with traumatised patients.

High quality videos & resources

A key characteristic of our video courses is the exceptional quality of materials from experts presenting novel therapeutic models and their application. Additionally, many of our on-demand courses address the importance of personal care and support, using established and researched techniques. For our Loyal Members we provide further resources including a monthly mindfulness practice, ensuring your cup is full before you pour from it. We have compiled this combination of expertise to create a resource like no other.

We have a deep motivation to make the world a better place. Caring for the environment is a cause close to our heart; supporting the growth and healing of the world is just as important as that of our patients. Being a body of psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, social workers and clinicians, we recognise that the quality of environment we’re in contributes just as much as the people within it. We have partnered with Treedom to offset our carbon emissions, planting a tree with every course purchased. Take a look at our blossoming Mirror Forest here.

Over 100 speakers and thousands of customers

With over 100 speakers and thousands of customers globally, our community is rapidly growing (despite being only two years old!). We are so grateful for the support from the psychological community so far and are hopeful that we can continue contributing to the improvement of mental health for everyone.

Let's get to know each other better


Dr. Alessandro Carmelita

Psychologist and Psychotherapist, CEO
I speak English, Italian

I have always wanted to impact how people feel and their mental health. Since childhood, I have been a very sensitive and compassionate person who cares about how people feel and how the world is. As a teenager, I decided I wanted to be a psychologist. When I started seeing clients at the same time, I also started organising events to allow clinicians to train with the best Experts in the world without having to travel to other Countries.

I kept learning from the best Professionals and then I developed the Mindful Interbeing Mirror Therapy (Mirror Therapy) eleven years ago together with Marina Cirio.


Mr. Giuseppe S.

Team & IT Manager
I speak English, Italian, French, Spanish

Originally from the beautiful Sardinia, an Italian Island, I carry with me the passion and energy typical of my land. Committed and stubborn (as most Sardinians are), I started working at 17yo and soon after managed a Webagency working with Italian, Spanish and English clients.

With a background of purely technical education, I had the pleasure to meet Alessandro and commit full-time to combine my technical and organisational skills, to his vision of a great project with the goal of improving the world by sharing knowledge and helping thousands of people globally. It is a professional and personal satisfaction that is unparalleled.
In my spare time after work I like to unwind and take long walks with my two dogs. I also love to travel and I lived in several countries over the last 10 years, to finally return to the quiet Tunisia after a fancy, busy Dubai.


Ms. Giulia M.

Customer Care & Affiliation
I speak English, Italian, Spanish

From the beautiful Tuscany with the passion for traveling, music, architecture, nature, foreign languages and cultures, Giulia landed in Psychotherapy Courses from diversified backgrounds, from marketing to purchase and buyers department, from customer care to shop manager in the busy London. Currently studying Cognitive Behavioural Hypnosis and already Reiki practitioner, she’s passionate about the human mind and soul, she’s always ready to help and support people and loves to cook a good meal. She wants to work “where there’s a mission”, that’s what fulfils and drives her life. She’s our customer care and affiliation manager and you’ll always find the answers you seek (or at least a warming smile).

Other members of our team are Eva M, Eleonora M, Filippo S, and other freelancer collaborators.


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